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Versenden von (englischen) Blog-Posts in die Welt

Seit Anfang 2018 senden wir (englische) Blog-Posts in die Welt. Wir sprechen über PDF, seine Interna, anspruchsvolle Anwendungsfälle, interessante Lösungen, wie sich PDF weiter entwickeln sollte, Diskussionen von unseren Veranstaltungen und vieles mehr!

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Blog-schulung---VIP-EventVon unserem VIP Event November 2018/That's a wrap at the VIP Event! It was that time of the year again where we bring together our partners, customers and other stakeholders and meet in some part of the world. At the VIP Event, it is all about connecting, generating ideas, discussing the future of the PDF industry, and much more! Curious?
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Wie PDF die Prepress Produktion in 25 Jahren revolutionierte/How PDF changed prepress production dramatically in the last 25 years


25 years ago, the first version of the Portable Document Format (PDF) was published. This anniversary is a good opportunity for PDF expert Stephan Jaeggi, publisher of PDF-AKTUELL, to look back on how PDF has changed prepress production over these years.
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Kann eine Datei mit PDF/A, PDF/X und PDF/UA kompatibel sein?/Can a PDF easily comply to PDF/A, PDF/X and PDF/UA?

Blog-schluessel---PDFOne of the questions that have been discussed at the recent PDF Days was whether a PDF can comply to more than just one ISO standard. Some of the attendees seem to have been confused by the number of different standards. I guess it is a legitimate question why we have so many different standards and how difficult it would be to create a PDF that complies with more than just one of them. So, I wrote this blog.
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Quelle: callas software
Thema: PDF-Schulungen

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